Apple Cider Vinegar - how it really works

Apple Cider Vinegar contains small amounts of the B vitamins, vitamin C and several minerals, but its real strength lies in its acetic acid content which gives it a pH of 2.5. Why is this important?
Our stomachs produce hydrochloric acid to help us digest protein and absorb minerals such as calcium. During the ageing process, however, stomach acid production declines which causes an increase in the pH (more alkalinity in the stomach), and we struggle to digest protein and absorb calcium and other minerals.
When calcium is not absorbed properly it begins to build up in the soft tissues of the body, causing arthritis and bursitis in the joints, cataracts in the eyes, neuritis on the nerves, and kidney and gallstones. Vitamin D and vitamin K2 are then needed to help the transport of the calcium out of the soft tissue. However, all of these symptoms can be averted if we increase the acid content of the stomach, and that’s where apple cider vinegar comes in.
Acid reflux is also a sign of low stomach acid, yet most peo0le take ant-acid medication to soothe this condition! When the stomach is too alkaline, the valve at the top entrance to the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter, will not close properly so that acid is regurgitated into the esophagus causing heartburn and discomfort.
Apart from ageing, how else do you become too alkaline? High stress levels. Under stress the adrenal glands produce cortisol which creates an alkaline blood pH in the body, causing H+ (an acid) to be lost through the urine. Yes you end up with acidic urine but actually your body has become too alkaline to properly break down protein and absorb minerals.

Part of the solution may be to drink apple cider vinegar. Conditions like a twitch in the eye or cramping in the calf indicate that calcium is being deposited in the soft tissues. Drink apple cider vinegar to drop the pH and the calcium will be mobilized out of the soft tissue.
High alkalinity also causes potassium loss which contributes to conditions like high blood pressure, constipation, fatigue and irregular heart beat. Apple cider vinegar has been touted to relieve all of these symptoms, and that's because of its acidity, rather than its potassium content.
High protein diets produce a waste product called guanidine which can result in feeling stiff, arthritic and having nerve pain. Drink apple cider vinegar to raise your stomach’s pH and flush out the guanidine.
Apple cider vinegar helps you absorb minerals, mobilise calcium, digest protein without the waste and aids the immune system.
This information comes from Dr Eric Berg. You can see his YouTube video about apple cider vinegar and weight loss here.
How to take Apple Cider Vinegar
If you’re producing excess gas – that’s burping and flatulence - you are likely not producing enough stomach acid. Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water immediately before your meals. Make sure it’s a full glass of water to dilute the strong taste of the vinegar. I prefer to drink this through a straw to avoid the strong taste of the acid in my mouth. Don't drink other fluids with your meal because these will dilute the acid in your stomach. I've found that this has helped me to reduce excess gas, so I'm making this a regular part of my diet now. When I'm travelling and don't have access to my apple cider vinegar I take two of these Betaine HCl capsules at the start of my meal to boost my stomach acid.